Work in Progress (2023)
Reid Vanderburgh
This book presents a deeply personal point of view. I leave it to others to write histories of trans people at a more sociological level. Trans people need to tell our stories to each other, to provide this continuity that has been sadly lacking in previous times. Isolation and feelings of being negatively unique are common among many trans people, in part because this historical continuity has been lacking. It’s an overwhelming proposition, writing this autobiography; all the layers co-exist from the beginning, and my story can be told from perspectives as superficial as my outward appearance, to the deepest subconscious thoughts and feelings buried in my mind from my earliest childhood. When one questions gender, one is questioning the bedrock of one’s existence as a human being and the archaeology involved is formidable.
Every now and then I come across a book so captivating that I don’t want to put it down. This was my experience with Work In Progress, a two-volume autobiography written several years apart. Through prose, poetry, and lyrics, Reid Vanderburgh takes readers on an exciting journey, spanning six decades that includes many twists and turns, some that will take you, as they did Reid, by surprise. As we age, the gift of hindsight enables us to recognize the patterns that have inhibited and enhanced our lives. Reid’s ability to reflect on his patterns and shape his own life has not only benefited him, but all who have had the honor to call him a friend, family member, or colleague.
~Zander Keig, LCSW, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social fitness, consultant, facilitator, coach, and speaker
Product details
- Paperback: 353 pages ($19.99 USD $27.15 CAD plus shipping and handling)
- E-book File Size: ($5.99 USD $8.05 CAD)
- Publisher: TransGender Publishing (December 10, 2023)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1-998924-67-7 ((Paperback)
- ISBN: 978-1-998924-68-4 (Kindle e-book)
- ISBN: 978-1-998924-69-1 (Draft2Digital e-book)
- Item Weight: 1.33 pounds
- Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches